DFW Ham Expo Inc. presents...

Friday & Saturday June 6-7, 2025 - Vista Mall Events Center - Lewisville TX

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DFW Ham Expo Features For 2025

Everything In One Space

We've expanded to the new Vista Mall Event Space! The Exhibits are in a single room, with a more convenient entrance from the parking area.

Ham Radio Vendors

Ham Radio Outlet will be at DFW Ham Expo both days! Come shop for the latest in new Ham Gear.

20% More Tables For 2025

With our expanded "all-in-one" space, we have expanded our available tables to 115, and more tables have available AC power.

Saturday Outdoor Tailgating

Show up early (7am) and stake out your spot in our large outdoor tailgating area. Only $10 per vehicle.

Twice the Expo Time

We're open on Friday and Saturday this year, so twice the time to browse the expanded space.

Great Prizes

Great prizes for 2025!
Stay tuned!
Grand Prize: Yaesu FT-DX10

Food Court

The DFW Ham Expo has easy access to the Vista Mall Food Court and you can come and go with your admission wristband

Radio and Antenna Testing

Test that prospective item before you buy! Mike AE5IV has the equipment and will be glad to help.

VE Testing

Get or upgrade your Ham Radio license with our on-site VE Testing from Allan WB5QNG and W5YI VEC. Commercial Radiotelephone license testing is also available through National Radio Examiners.


Get your Tickets and Tables In Advance and Skip the Line!

Tailgate Space

$10 Each


  • Tailgate Spaces are not available for advance purchase - First Come on Saturday morning

Expo Show Tables

$20 Each


  • Online Table Sales will be available soon. Tables with AC power are available for $30.

General Admission

$5 Each


  • Online Admission Ticket Sales will be available soon

Raffle Tickets

3 For $5


  • Online Raffle Ticket Sales Will be available soon

Location & Directions

  • Location

    Vista Mall
    North Entrance #6 (Food Court)

    2401 S. Stemmons Fwy Lewisville, TX 75067
    I35E & TX-121 (Sam Rayburn Tollway)

  • From North I-35E:

    Take I-35E Southbound to Lewisville. Exit... Road Turn West on Round Grove Road, then left into the second mall entrance. Turn Left on the Mall ring road until you get to Mall Entrance 6 (Food Court / David's Bridal)

  • From South I-35E:

    Take I-35E North, Exit 447B Towards TX-121/Hebron Pkwy/Round Grove Road Road. Turn West on Round Grove Road, then left into the second mall entrance. Turn Left on the Mall ring road until you get to Mall Entrance 6 (Food Court / David's Bridal)

  • Email

    Bob Storey AF5RS [email protected]


DFW Ham Expo Event Schedule

Doors to the DFW Ham Expo Space will open Friday at 1PM until 6PM and again Saturday at 8:30AM.  Advance Ticket purchasers can retrieve their ticket and wristband 30 minutes prior at the Will Call table and will be the first to be admitted to the space.  There will be a separate cash table for GA ticket purchases outside the Expo space fronts doors.


Vendors – Fri/Sat

Indoor Table Purchases will receive one General Admission Ticket and one Raffle Ticket per table purchased. Doors will open to ticket holders at 13:00 (1PM) and close on Friday at 18:00 (6PM). The doors will reopen on Saturday to ticket holders at 08:30 (8:30AM) and close to all at 15:00 (3PM). 

VENDOR SETUP: Friday, June 14 between the hours of 08:00-1:00 local time. 

VENDOR TEARDOWN: Saturday, June 15 after 15:00 local time.


We ask that vendors not tear down early as this is a detractor to late attendees. ***Special arrangements may be possible to large commercial vendors on a case by case basis. This will require advanced communication so that we may work with the mall. There are no guarantees.

The Outdoor Tailgate area opens at 7am.  The outdoor tailgate area is adjacent to Mall Entrance 6 which is the closest entrance to the inside DFW Ham Expo space.


Spaces will be available at $10 per vehicle (exact change preferred) on the morning of the event and assigned on a First-Come, First-Served basis. The Outdoor Tailgate Area will be managed by our sister club, the Lewisville Amateur Radio Association (LARA), who will receive 100% of all tailgate space sales. There is no advance sales of tailgate spaces.


Outdoor Tailgate Space exhibitors will receive only a Tailgate Space and no General Admission Ticket or Raffle Ticket will be included. Outdoor tailgate sales may begin setting up at 06:00 (6:00am) local time with an advertised start of sale at 07:00 (7:00am). You may stay open till 15:00 (3:00pm) which is the conclusion of the event. Tailgate vendors may not leave the tailgating area until close of event or attendants give permission. This is for the safety of all involved.


Doors to the DFW Ham Expo Space will open Friday at 1PM until 6PM and again Saturday at 8:30AM.  Advance Ticket purchasers can retrieve their ticket and wristband 30 minutes prior at the Will Call table and will be the first to be admitted to the space.  There will be a separate cash table for GA ticket purchases outside the Expo space fronts doors.


Vendors – Fri/Sat

Indoor Table Purchases will receive one General Admission Ticket and one Raffle Ticket per table purchased. Doors will open to ticket holders at 13:00 (1PM) and close on Friday at 18:00 (6PM). The doors will reopen on Saturday to ticket holders at 08:30 (8:30AM) and close to all at 15:00 (3PM). 

VENDOR SETUP: Friday, June 14 between the hours of 08:00-1:00 local time. 

VENDOR TEARDOWN: Saturday, June 15 after 15:00 local time.


We ask that vendors not tear down early as this is a detractor to late attendees. ***Special arrangements may be possible to large commercial vendors on a case by case basis. This will require advanced communication so that we may work with the mall. There are no guarantees.

Door Prize drawings will be held hourly on Friday after 2pm and Saturday from 10AM-2PM.

Friday Hourly Prizes include Yaesu FT-4X Handheld Radio, Yaesu FTM-500DR (Friday First Prize)

Saturday Hourly Prizes include Yaesu FT-4X Handheld Radio,

Saturday First-Prize Drawing (Kenwood TH-D75) will be drawn Saturday at 2PM.

Grand Prize (Yaeus FT-DX10) drawing will be held Saturday at 3PM.  

The drawing for the DFW Ham Expo Grand Prize will be held on Saturday at 3PM.  The winner does not need to be present to win.